Leading the younger generations in rural Guatemala to a brighter and better future through education, instructed through God's word.
As you may know, WTMFH opened its doors 13 years ago in 2009 as an Ohio-based non-profit organization that focuses on creating opportunities for people in rural Guatemala who otherwise would have none. It’s exciting to see the changes through those early years.
For example, our first VBS served 60 kids in a chicken coop. One of the first High School programs in rural Tabacal is also helping young people from FOUR other communities. When I was 50, I shared with my sons, Charles (15) and Danny (13), the challenge of raising funds and awareness to build the Community Center by hiking 36 volcanos in 20 days. I still remember that moment, every emotion and interaction. What a lasting IMPACT.
I remember our younger son Danny being disappointed because he was only allowed to hike 10 of the volcanos due to his age. On the other hand, my son Charles took the challenge and said, “Okay, I’ll try to do the 36 with you, dad!” Thank God this adventure had a happy ending, and we survived. And construction on the Christian Community Building began in Tabacal.
We put our vessels out, and God fills them up. Now, this multi-purpose building holds a purification water plant, high school programs, and many other activities – from women entrepreneur workshops to medical and dental clinics. It’s so good to look back and see what God has done and how He used our empty vessels and poured in His provision and direction. God also shows us the importance of looking forward. What is done is part of our story, our history. But, what is to come is part of our future. So, as we pray and seek Him, we see a bright and hopeful future generation that serves Jesus through collaboration with Welcome to My Father’s House Ministries, a continuation of what God has done.
Many of the children we ministered to in the village are now in their twenties. Many of them have graduated from the WTMFH High School program, and some are attending college supported through WTMFH Higher Education Scholarship Program.
This is the vision we see: Leading the younger generations in rural Guatemala to a brighter and better future through education, instructed through God’s word.
We are preparing WTMFH Ministries to continue serving and creating opportunities for people to reach their God-given potential. We plan to expand the programs in the coming days, weeks, and months and need your support.
As an organization, we have started a 360/25 campaign to partner with 360 supporters, each investing $25/mo. Please consider partnering with WTMFH by making a difference through your $25.00 monthly gift. (Other amounts as God leads you to give are also encouraged).
Advancing future generations through the WTMFH Education Program and Scholarships – these programs provide high school and higher education to kids without access to education. Advocate positive learning environments and prepare children and youth for a better and brighter future.
Your partnership makes an impact through educational advancement. We thank you for your financial support of these students! Together, we make a difference in the lives of children and their future.
Not a partner? We welcome your impact partnership.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish but bless are those who follow God’s teachings” Proverbs 29:18